9 Nov 2016
Spending the Holiday’s on holiday, is not only the perfect way to wind down at the end of the year, it’s also the perfect time to accessorise. And whilst we would all agree that travel is fun…baggage allowances are not.
When packing, choose accessories which will see you through your entire vacay time and work no matter what activity takes your

1. Opt for a carryall with internal compartments and a detachable pouch (hello Phenomena Tote) for all-day adventures, and our Supernatural Box Hip, perfect for your bare essentials, am-to-pm.
2. Practical (but pretty) sandals are a summer vacation staple. Ankle ties give them a contemporary and dressed-up twist.
3. A chic pair of shades offers style and protection, and a monochrome finish will complement your sandals – if you’re that way inclined.
4. Top things off with a printed scarf or floppy hat – effortless accessorising anyone?!

Got a friend who lives a jet-set lifestyle? Gift well with our eclectic mix of travel essentials, some of which you can personalise with MIMBOSS.