The Mums and daughters who make up the incredible MIMCO team are an inspiring bunch.

Some of them fill us in on what they love about being a mother, a daughter, or a mother-to-be —and what’s on each of their Mother’s Day wishlist.


What has been your favourite Mother’s Day moment?
My first Mother’s Day! It was almost 11 months after I had Oscar and I realised that I had actually made it through. I survived and loved being a mum.

What do you cherish most about mother-son time with Oscar?
Night time cuddles. When it’s just the two of us lying in his bed just before he falls asleep. It is a super special time of my day.

What has surprised you most about motherhood?
That it's a second job. It’s tiring, challenging but equally rewarding.

What is the one piece of advice about motherhood you would pass on to other new mums?
Babies don’t come with instructions; don’t be hard on yourself.

What’s on your MIMCO wishlist this Mother’s Day?
The Stone Haven Scarf, to keep me warm at Auskick!

On Sarah's Wishlist: The Stone Haven Scarf


What are you most looking forward to about motherhood?
I am looking forward to feeling the joy when we first meet our baby; to see the happiness and adventure she will bring to the family; and to watch her grow into a beautiful person.

What do you cherish most about your relationship with your own mum?
Our relationship is built on a close friendship first. It is honest, full of smiles, laughter and hugs. We respect one another and are grateful for what we have. My mum is always kind, thoughtful and cooks the best lasagne.

What is the best piece of advice about motherhood you have been given?
To enjoy every moment and keep it simple. If I spend time worrying about all the little things, I'll miss out on all the fun.

What’s on your MIMCO wishlist for your first Mother’s Day?
It would have to be the Splendiosa Baby Bag. It is a must have for practicality and style. The Meadow Pumps are also on my wishlist to pair with boyfriend jeans and a white tee, ready for our first coffee date together.

On Sam's Wishlist: The Splendiosa Baby Bag


What do you cherish most about your relationship with your mum?
The absolute unconditional love! No matter what is going on in my life, mum has always supported me 100%; in all my adventures, fashions and fads (and there have been many!). In my eyes, my Mum is a Saint.

What has been your favourite Mother’s Day moment with your mum?
Mum came to visit me whilst I was living in London in 2010 and as a Mother's Day gift, I surprised her with tickets to see a cabaret in Paris – ‘Le Crazy Horse.’ The night of the show we went out for a traditional French brasserie meal and then wandered, as the Parisian’s do, up to the show. When we arrived, we both ordered an orange juice which actually cost us €20 each! We still laugh about ordering the ‘most expensive juice in Europe’ today.

What is the best piece of advice your mum has ever given you?
To be an individual, to always stand on my own, and to be my own person. That is why I’m the woman I am today.

What’s are you gifting your mum this Mother’s Day?
When I first saw the Moving Moors Scarf I knew mum would love to style it back with a fitted blazer (very much her style!) and the Manorhouse Stud.

On Marie's (mum's) Wishlist: The Manorhouse Stud


What has been your favourite Mother’s Day Moment?
Mother’s Day to me is all about love and cuddles with my family. We normally do breakfast in bed together and those dirty little hands, wet kisses and abundance of love is a favourite of mine every year…that along with not caring about the crumbs and the mess we are making in the bed!

What is the most amazing thing about being a Mum?
The fact that someone loves you more than words can describe and that you are one of the most important people in their lives. With girls I think the daddy wins, but with my boy I know I am the favourite and it is amazing to feel so loved and know that someone depends so much on you to love and care for them.

What has surprised you the most about motherhood?
How much I can love another human being. My heart is literally walking outside my body.

What is the one piece of advice about motherhood you would like to pass on?
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Whether you’re a working mum or not, or if you have 1 or 5 kids…rule remains…don’t be so tough on yourself! To them, you are the best mum in the whole world.

What's on your MIMCO Wishlist this Mother's Day?
The Highland it.

On Eloise's Wishlist: The Highland Tote