7 Mar 2017
Led by Chair Natasha Stott Despoja, Our Watch's mission is to create a world where women and their children can live free from violence.
In an open letter to us all on International Women's Day, Natasha reiterates the importance of not only MIMCO's partnership with the cause, but the responsibility we all have to stand up, speak out and #bepartofthechange.

The behaviour and attitudes that we influence today will lead to a more respectful tomorrow.
"I invite you to join MIMCO and Our Watch in changing our world for the better.
My vison is of a violence-free Australia.
I want my son and daughter to grow up in a compassionate and understanding society. This is my hope for every child.
I want all women and men, boys and girls to enjoy healthy and respectful relationships.
Globally, more than one in three women have been beaten, coerced into sex or abused in some way.
In Australia, one in three Australian women has experienced physical violence, since the age of 15.
On average, at least one woman a week is killed by a partner or former partner in Australia.
The good news is violence against women and their children is preventable. The evidence proves this. To prevent violence we need to change the conditions – shaped by gender inequality – that allow this violence to occur.
We must challenge attitudes and change behaviour. The behaviour and attitudes that we influence today will lead to a more respectful tomorrow.
I hope you will join us in this shared vision. You have the power to change lives and to help create a future free of violence against women and their children.
Join Our Watch. Join MIMCO. Be part of the change."